I originally got this idea when student teaching with an amazing teacher, Allison Priday, and Daybreak Elementary! I have adapted it and adjusted it to fit my school/needs.
It is such an effective tool, people ask me about it all the time. So I decided to finally take some pictures and put it up for the world to see!
Since they keep their word sort for homework in the pouch, we also put their daily sorting homework activities in there, too!
(The zipper pouches come from Walmart-- they are made of a sturdy canvas and are only $1.00!)
Next we have a laminated cardstock divider. This is for their "planner page".
On the back shows the color code system for our behavior chart.
The boxes are filled in as our "morning message"- they record what we are reading in our basal, what phonics sound/spelling we are working on, what concept in math, and science/social studies. Then their behavior is colored (at the end of the day) and their homework is listed (which lets them know exactly what they are expected to do each night). The parents are expected to check and sign their STAR Book every night.
This is their homework folder. Their homework is put in here every day-- completed and returned to this folder each night.
The AR paper is used to track the books that they are ready to test on.
The front side is informative for the parents
The second side is where they track their books so we know when/what they want to test on.
Our parents love it because they are so organized and predictable. They teach our kids to know what is expected.
We love these at our school!
hope it gives you an idea!!
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