One day I decided
that if I had everything made ahead of time, and it was out on display so that
the kids helped remind me, maybe I could try it. So I went back to my pinterest board and
found some inspiration.
I decided to use
laffy taffy ropes (instead of giant pixie sticks, or any of the other great
treats that are suggested online). They were
a little cheaper (I got them at Sam’s Club) and reading/telling jokes was REALLY motivating to my class last year. (Even my lowest kids would practice
reading their laffy taffy wrappers over and over and over so that they could
read it to the class.)
I started with
some clipart. I found a balloon and then
used one of my DJ Inkers fonts to write “Happy Birthday!”. I decided to print the words in different
colors (instead of the balloons in different colors) because it was easier to
read and used less color ink. I backed
it with a matching color of cardstock and taped them onto the taffy ropes.
To create the display
jar, I used the container the taffy came in.
I printed a sign “Happy Birthday!” and taped it in. It was really that easy.
I added a little
tissue paper in the bottom so that the ropes could stick out above the
I think I will keep a list of my class on the back of the container so I can put a check when they get theirs. I don’t want to miss anyone!
I love the way it turned out! I am so excited to use this in my classroom this year!!
Star Student Week:
Here’s the letter
that goes home with my students for their special week!
Mark your
calendar! The week of ______________ is
your special time to shine! Let me tell
you all about your special week! Please note: you can choose which activities
you would like to participate in.
MONDAY- We would
like to get to know you better, so please bring a poster all about you! This poster can include pictures of you and
your family, pets, vacations, and favorite things or you are welcome to write
about them. You will introduce your poster on this day. We will look at it all
week on our spotlight bulletin board!
would like, you may bring in a special show & tell item to share with the
class on this day.
bring a favorite book from home and Miss Van Maren will read it to the
class! THURSDAY- In centers, we will write a letter to you to include in your very own special Star Student book!
FRIDAY- You are welcome to bring a Star Student snack to share with the class! (If your birthday is on a different day during the week, you are welcome to bring it on that day instead.)
We can’t wait to
spotlight you and get to know you better! If you have any questions, please let
me know!
Congratulations on
being Star Student!
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