Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Writing Rubrics

Slacking again...

Okay, slacking isn't exactly what I would call it.  I am almost to the 50% mark on my M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction-- and I just started 6 months ago.  I have been working like crazy-- and there are only so many hours in a day... Unfortunately that means my little blog has been left to fend for itself.

But I am here now! Taking a study break, I am ready to share about writing rubrics.  Believe it or not, I have three different drafts of this post.  I am not sure what the hold up is, but here we are.

We love writing at my school... especially in first grade.  We have worked very hard to make sure our students meet or exceed the expectations of the core standards in order to prepare them for their future writing needs.

A few things about writing--
If you can say it, you can write it!
Start by having your students TALK about what they are writing, before they are expected to WRITE it.

If students know the expectations, they will rise to them
We have our rubric posted on the wall, it is also printed on their writing paper.  The students have been introduced to it, we discuss it before we begin a writing project that will be assessed with it, and we use the same rubric for self-assessing as well as when the teacher is assessing.

We have a handwriting rubric and a general writing rubric.  We also have rubrics for specific writing projects, but sometimes default to the general rubric since it is the best way to track progress.

Want to print one?  Leave a comment below! Then click here.

Want to print one? Leave a comment below and click here.


Want to print one?  Leave a comment below and click here!

What rubrics do you use? How do you introduce them to your students?

Have a happy Thanksgiving-eve-eve!
