Sunday, January 11, 2015

Gingerbread Community Helpers

This year I wanted my social studies unit to tie into the holiday season.  So I had my students take home a foam gingerbread person cut out (from the dollar store-- I bought a pack of 8 on clearance after Christmas last year for $0.50!).  They were to dress the person to represent the job they hope to have when they are grown up.

Oh my heck. They turned out so fun!

We then worked on the writing part-- we wrote a topic sentence, 3 details and a closure about the job they chose. 
We met up with our fifth grade buddies and they helped us type them.  The first grade kids thought it was magic and it was good practice for the fifth graders. 

I made one copy of their writing on cardstock and hot glued their person to it.  That copy was hung in the hall (and stopped traffic for WEEKS!)
I photographed each person and glued it to the copy we printed in the computer lab.  Those were put into a class book (the kids LOVE being able to have an up-close look at the details!)

We will do another project like this in the spring because it turned out so well!

Police Officer


Police Officer

Balloon maker


Police Officer

Police Officer

Fire Fighter

Police Officer

Basketball Player




Dog Trainer


"Doctor Scientist"

Police Officer

Mail Carrier

Golf Pro

Sonic Worker

Flower-Shop Woker

Fire Fighter



Police Officer

Police Officer


(A few still missing, but you get the idea!)
Have a terrific week!!